Wanderings of My Wandering Mind
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Monday, August 3, 2015
First tie dye
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Laundry Hack

It is washing day. Everything else happens at once and I don't have time to wait for the water to fill up before I put the soap in and I do not want to put the soap in first, so I came up with this. I do not use the softner dispenser so I removed it and just turn on the washer add the clothes and put the cup and all on top of the aggitator and done. I have been doing this ever since for over a year with no problems.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
2012 Wal-mart holiday lay-a-way
2012 Wal-mart holiday lay-a-way
Available Sept 16 - Dec 14, 2012
For what it is worth with all the restrictions. But thought I'd share all the same.
The main points are
*$50 minimum total amount
*$15 minimum per item
*$10 or 10% whichever is greater
*$15 Fee refundable only with complete payment and only as a Wal-mart gift card

Saturday, August 25, 2012
I am going to coin a new word "Screll or Screlling is what a baby or toddler does during periods of sleep regression. They scream and yell at you at the same time."
Friday, August 24, 2012
2 hours and $35
$0.33 paver bricks
$1.88 cypress mulch
+ 2 hours of weeding
= Happy home owners
Monday, July 23, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Ever have one of those DOH moments as a parent?
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Late night pondering... From mom to daughter.
Sugar and spice and everything nice,
Is NOT what little girl's drool is made of.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm on a video kick please forgive me
or it could be The Phantom of the Opera (fast forward to minute 6)
Test Deployment (Seperation)
Things were bumpy the first 24 hours. Let's see the day he arrived lawnmower broke, I cut open the bottom of my foot and the dog ran away (the dog was found with in 30minutes). I swore a long time ago I should right country songs. But I digress, besides I like country music along with everything else. Other than that we've been having fun just spending time together.
This coming up weekend is the Korean Thanksgiving holiday (which Chaos' side of our family still follow), so we'll be visiting relatives the last few hours before Chaos has to leave back for base. "Que sera sera - whatever will be will be "
or "Hakuna matata" (Did you know that is a Swahili phrase? I didn't it literally translated as "There are no worries"
or "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
or as Bobby Mcferrin said best "Don't Worry Be Happy"
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Welcome & Overview
Such as informative links, ideas, wishes, to do's and things I've done.
There will be Links galore on all subjects and:
- Pictures of - my son, gardens, crafts, patterns in the world, & different states
- Military information for - Navy, duty stations, Army, benefits, spouses, families, children, IA's (Individual Augmentees) & deployments
- Crafts - sewing, shrinky dinks, scrap booking, children friendly arts and craft projects, knitting, crocheting, wood working, & whatever else floats my boat
- Computers - free software downloads, Linux, hacks, XP, and Vista
- Hacks & Recycling - life, digital photography, crafts, gardening, energy, repurposing, free stuff (where to find) & household
- Gardening - kitchen gardens (vegetables, herbs & edible flowers) and gardening (sprouts, aeroponic, aquaponics, and hydroponics)
- Health - my fitness regiment, alternative and natural cures, eating habits, migraines, baby & children tried remedies, & female issues (monthly, pregnancy & edited to keep it family oriented)
- Cooking for - health, weight loss, with children, sneaky healthy recipes & foods
- Consumer Services & Products Review - video service providers, tv providers (cable, satellite, & internet), cellular, home phone, oil companies, satellite radio,internet, credit cards, banks, libraries, parks, favorite stores (internet & actual), internet music, baby - toddler - children - general products, diapers, etc etc etc
- Educational -anything educational else that doesn't fit else where
- Korean - Korean language (Hangul), music, movies, dramas, K-Pop, recipes, foods, clothing, customs, art, children's song's, stories and what ever else I can learn or find
- Entertainment - internet & real life games, music, movies, books, & etc