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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Welcome & Overview

This blog is to bring some order to my day to day wandering mind.
Such as informative links, ideas, wishes, to do's and things I've done.

There will be Links galore on all subjects and:

  • Pictures of - my son, gardens, crafts, patterns in the world, & different states
  • Military information for - Navy, duty stations, Army, benefits, spouses, families, children, IA's (Individual Augmentees) & deployments
  • Crafts - sewing, shrinky dinks, scrap booking, children friendly arts and craft projects, knitting, crocheting, wood working, & whatever else floats my boat
  • Computers - free software downloads, Linux, hacks, XP, and Vista
  • Hacks & Recycling - life, digital photography, crafts, gardening, energy, repurposing, free stuff (where to find) & household
  • Gardening - kitchen gardens (vegetables, herbs & edible flowers) and gardening (sprouts, aeroponic, aquaponics, and hydroponics)
  • Health - my fitness regiment, alternative and natural cures, eating habits, migraines, baby & children tried remedies, & female issues (monthly, pregnancy & edited to keep it family oriented)
  • Cooking for - health, weight loss, with children, sneaky healthy recipes & foods
  • Consumer Services & Products Review - video service providers, tv providers (cable, satellite, & internet), cellular, home phone, oil companies, satellite radio,internet, credit cards, banks, libraries, parks, favorite stores (internet & actual), internet music, baby - toddler - children - general products, diapers, etc etc etc
  • Educational -anything educational else that doesn't fit else where
  • Korean - Korean language (Hangul), music, movies, dramas, K-Pop, recipes, foods, clothing, customs, art, children's song's, stories and what ever else I can learn or find
  • Entertainment - internet & real life games, music, movies, books, & etc